6th Congress of the Asia Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
For those wanting to attend the upcoming 6th Congress of the Asia Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis please DOWNLOAD the Registration Form or ONLINE REGISTRATION. Downloaded registration form can be send through fax +62-21-3145 646 or scanned and email to apsthbali2010@pharma-pro.com.This exciting Congress is one not to be missed, so register and paid before 15th August 2010 to secure your place and receive discounted registration.
Please note that all persons intending to attend the Congress must register, including Poster and Free Paper Presenters. Please read through this information carefully before you complete your form
Full registered Participants(including student/trainee) will have access to all scientific sessions, exhibition area, social programs, buffet lunches and coffee /tea.
Accompanying Persons
Paying accompanying persons will entitle to joint 2 (two) tour programs (please see detail in tour programs) and social programs.
Entrance to Congress
Each member of the Congress will receive a name badge on registration. The badge will be your official pass and must be clearly visible at all times to obtain entry to all sessions and to social functions.
Payment of Fees
NOTE: Registrations will not be processed or confirmed until payment in full is received.Bank transfer or credit card may make payment. Master and Visa Card are the only credit cards accepted at the Congress. Please note all transactions by credit card will appear on your statement as payment to Pharma-Pro International.
Bank transfer payment should be only paid to following account and bank:
Bank name : Mandiri
Bank address : Cabang RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta, Indonesia
Account Number : 122-00-0532801-1
Please kindly fax or email us the transfer receipt along with your registration form. You could also upload the transfer receipt in .pdf format in Online Registration and Accommodation page.
Your registration and payment will be acknowledged via email with confirmation of your requirements according to your registration form. Your registration will not be processed or confirmed if payment does not accompany your form.
You will not receive any further publications before the Congress. Your letter of acknowledgment will include any further advice necessary prior to your arrival at the Congress. At the Congress you will receive the program and abstract book/s, delegate list and satchel.
Certificate of AttendanceAll registered participants will entitle to Certificate of Attendance please fill out the “Certificate of Attendance” form in registration counter.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Cancellations must be notified in writing to the Congress Secretariat.
- Before 15 August 2010 will receive a 50% refund of fees paid.
- After 15 August 2010 there will be no refund.
Payments are non-refundable after 15 August 2010
Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that at the time you register for the Congress and book your travel you take out an insurance policy of your choice. The policy should include loss of fees/deposit through cancellation of your participation in the Congress, or through cancellation of the Congress, loss of international/domestic air fares through cancellation for any reason, Force Majeure or any other reason, medical expenses (including sickness and accident cover), loss or damage to personal property, additional expenses and repatriation should travel arrangements have to be altered. The Congress Committee and Organizer cannot take any responsibility for any participant failing to arrange their own insurance. This insurance is to be purchased in your country of origin.
APSTH Bali 2010 Secretariat
Division of Hematology - Medical Oncology
Department of Internal Medicine
Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia
Dr Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital
Phone/Fax : +62-21-3145 646 | +62-21-3926 286
Website : www.apsth2010bali.com
Division of Hematology - Medical Oncology
Department of Internal Medicine
Medical Faculty, University of Indonesia
Dr Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital
Phone/Fax : +62-21-3145 646 | +62-21-3926 286
Website : www.apsth2010bali.com
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