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5th Conference of ASEAN Society Pediatric Surgery (ASPS) in conjunction with the 2nd Multidisciplinary Pediatric Surgery Meeting (MPSM)

Colleagues and Friends,
Similarities in population characteristics, disease frequencies, and a mutual need of developing new means of treatments proves the importance of working in a colaborative way. To share and exchange experiences can and will lead our ASEAN region be a better and healthier place for our children. Thus regular meetings of those involved in the maintenance of health and the treatment of the sick children is of great importance. Although the maintenance of health and the care of the pediatric patients is the concern of every health officer, it is the pediatrician and the pediatric surgeons that do most of the work by complementing each other.

The theme of this meeting is “Current Update on Comprehensive Management of Pediatric and Neonatal Cases”. It is with great pleasure that we host and welcome you to the 5th Conference of ASEAN Society Pediatric Surgery (ASPS) in conjunction with The 2nd Multidisciplinary Pediatric Surgery Meeting (MPSM), on 22 – 25 September 2010 at Discovery Kartika Plaza, Bali, Indonesia.

This invitation is extended to not only for colleagues from ASEAN countries, it is extended also to all interested in children be it GPs, General surgeons, Internal Medicine, and all other discipline from all over the world.

Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery can be described as the different faces of a coin, however, in a scientific meeting every subject matter has to be presented by both discipines individualy so as to give an undivided and comprehensive view. Therefore the scientific program is organized to display the comprehensive management of pediatric and neonatal cases. As is custumary in every scientific meetings, we encourage the presentation of free papers and posters in the topic.

Aside from high quality scientific sessions we will also reveal to you the beauty and uniqueness of Balinese cultures and landscape. In this regard, we will organize, hopefully a memorable Cultural Diner and sight seeing program for you.

Finally, please note your schedules now for the 5th Conference of ASEAN Society Pediatric Surgery (ASPS) in conjunction with the 2nd Multidisciplinary Pediatric Surgery Meeting (MPSM), on 22 – 25 September 2010 at Discovery Kartika Plaza, Bali, Indonesia.

Bali, the Island of gods, awaits you....
Looking forward to meeting you soon.....

Amir Thayeb, MD
Congress Chairman

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